Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises

Everybody talks about The Dark Knight rises and that's a little too much, considering the movie will be released in summer 2012. But yeah, we are so thrilled! Especially now that the six minute prologue is being shown at 42 lucky 70mm IMAX theaters around the country and on some Russian website in an insulting quality.

Anyway this poster reminds me of the Phantom of the Opera.

Is it only me? Broken mask, photographed from a low angle...  I'd love to see Batman singing in lyrical voice.  And then, of course, Bane in the back. Too bad the poster doesn't show the Marcellus Wallace's gag mask, I was counting on it.

Lastly, I definitely don't find the white rain appealing, we all know it's hard to deal with transparent drops on a black background but it creates a strange effect on Tom Hardy's back similar to the graphic pen effect in Photoshop. 

And I said strange to not say cheap.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Here we go, Shame: aka the tragic life of a sex-addict man trapped in the body of Micheal Fassbender. 

Besides still not getting why it's so shameful to be a sex addict while looking like our favorite Magneto pre-rheumatism, I have to say I like this poster. It is focused more on the actor than on the graphic package and I take my hat off to whoever chose that palette starting from Micheal Fassbender's eyes color.

If I have to be overly blunt I'd say he looks like a barely awake man with some intestinal issues contemplating whether to simply walk to the bathroom or run to get there faster.

I am also wondering about the colors used in the title line. The san-serif font choice fits, but why the changing color and why, I repeat, why use a gradient? Was the graphic designer too afraid the nobody would read the text in simple black? Why the pink-orange gradient on the "H"?!

Probably Adobe Kuler defined it as complementary of that blue and, as we all know, Adobe never lies.

The Amazing Spiderman

I never felt less impressed by a movie poster. Just to be fair, I admit I have never been a fan of this reboot: first because I liked the Raimi/Maguire's one and secondly, is it really necessary to reboot a movie that came out in 2002?

Of course the poster says this is going to be the untold story: really? 

What has been untold in the previous Spiderman movies?  I hope at least they will focus on the introspective life of the radioactive spider before biting our favorite nerd.

However, the untold-dark theme seems borrowed from the Dark Knight saga. If the goal is to transmit an obscure, gloomy mood I wonder how it will match with a superhero that is known for his red/blue spandex costume and his sense of humor. Seriously, what's so dark in Spiderman? 

Graphically speaking, this poster looks like minimum time has been spent on it. I am not completely sold on the photoshop work on the legs, it seems like Andrew Garfied can bend the perspective rules, beside the gravity ones.  Regarding the font used, well it just seems like the one used in the Raimi's saga but vertically scaled up and definitely not visually striking.

In short, this tells me that at the end this movie will be nothing more than a washed out copy of 2002 Spiderman movie but, of course,  in lucky!