Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Here we go, Shame: aka the tragic life of a sex-addict man trapped in the body of Micheal Fassbender. 

Besides still not getting why it's so shameful to be a sex addict while looking like our favorite Magneto pre-rheumatism, I have to say I like this poster. It is focused more on the actor than on the graphic package and I take my hat off to whoever chose that palette starting from Micheal Fassbender's eyes color.

If I have to be overly blunt I'd say he looks like a barely awake man with some intestinal issues contemplating whether to simply walk to the bathroom or run to get there faster.

I am also wondering about the colors used in the title line. The san-serif font choice fits, but why the changing color and why, I repeat, why use a gradient? Was the graphic designer too afraid the nobody would read the text in simple black? Why the pink-orange gradient on the "H"?!

Probably Adobe Kuler defined it as complementary of that blue and, as we all know, Adobe never lies.

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